Emma Sibley - London Terrariums

"I started London Terrariums about 2 and half years ago from my kitchen, making bottle gardens out of whatever I could find lying around. A love of gardening has always been with me from a young age, I have memories of growing up spending summers at my grandparents making miniature gardens in seed trays and I think this has permeated into making terrariums now."
"Living in London and having little access to green space or a garden, it has become imperative for me and a lot of people i know to surround ourselves with greenery in our home, the science of how terrariums work fascinates me so this with the added beauty of watching the plants grow is what I love most about what I do."
When do you feel most free?
"I feel most free when I am riding my bike, sometimes its great to hop on and cycle with no definitive place to go."
Which Freedom To Exist Watch and why?
"I chose the fte3004 Silver & Nougat watch as working with compost it is very rare for me to keep anything clean, so for a treat I decided it would be nice to have a watch that I could keep nice out of the studio."

The petite 30 Edition watch combines classic detailing with a modern minimalist finish - branding free. It is incredibly light at just 27g, and super thin at only 6mm.