The Pommier

We have teamed up with THE POMMIER to be one of their launch partners on their online store that has just gone live.

"Not all accessories are created equal. At The Pommier we scour the globe for the best, boldest and most creative designers to bring you the accessories that matter. We want to put a world of design at your fingertips, curating only the most unique pieces for men and women. We connect buyers directly with design studios which means when shopping with The Pommier you are supporting emerging fashion talent. We’re proud to help shine a spotlight on the best new creatives around. "

You can find the fte section on their website - HERE

"I was losing the will to live searching for a ladies watch with a leather strap. My criteria were; long enough strap, easy to read face but not huge numbers, dial not too big and not too small, no fuss, no visible brand name, and elegant. Paul and Kirsty were extremely helpful, and their service and speed was much appreciated. A great brand; I’m glad I found it!

Monica - Customer